Sunday, September 5, 2010

Where, oh where, has my little dog gone...

Here goes. I'm not new to the concept of blogging... after all, I read lots of them. Writing, however, is not something I normally do outside of school or work. I know I can write- a boss once told me, "If you ever stop doing this, you can always be a writer." Of course, he was just pissed because I rebutted his attempt to throw me out of the military with a well written, concise account of exactly why he was wrong.

So, why now? Why here? I guess I like the freedom of having my own place to complain, vent, share, opine, or just whatever. I truly enjoy, and am inspired by, the blogs I read on a daily basis. They keep me interested in what I do, provide perspective, remind me that not everyone is an idiot in our profession. Believe me, I do work with a few. You know what they say about Federal Employees, right? We work for the government because we can't work for anyone else. Bottom of the barrel, lazy, dollar sponges, I've heard lots of 'em. In some cases, that's true. In the Federal Fire Service, however, I am certain that all those stereotypes are wrong most of the time. I work with some truly quality individuals, who care deeply about what we do. Of course, there's a reason for the stereotypes, and I work with some of them, too. I'm sure I'll be blogging about them soon enough!

I hope you come back, and I hope you enjoy what I've got to say, whether or not you agree with me. I welcome comments, but be constructive. I don't get much out of "you suck"... I do get something out of "you suck BECAUSE".

Stay safe, take care of each other, and take care of the job.
In that order.

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